Feb 16, 2024

Your Toyota’s braking system plays a vital role in ensuring your safety on the road. Below are signs that indicate it might be time for a brake repair at your Toyota dealership to ensure your brakes work every time you step on the brake pedal.

7 Signs Your Toyota Needs a Brake Repair From Your Toyota Dealership 

1. The Brake Pads Are Worn

Look between the wheel spokes to check if your brake pads are too thin. The brake pads are tucked in between the brake caliper and the brake disc. If the brake pads are less than a quarter of an inch thick, replace them before they wear down completely. When the bare metal starts to scrape against the rotors, it could cause severe damage.

2. You Hear Screeching Sounds

If you hear a screeching sound when you press down on the brake pedal, it’s from tiny metal wear indicator bars built into the brake pads warning you the brake pads are wearing down and getting too thin. Have your Toyota technician inspect your brakes and measure the brake pads. 

3. Your Car Is Leaking Brake Fluid

If you see yellowish or brownish puddles beneath your vehicle, it could be brake fluid. If there’s too little brake fluid, your brake system won’t work properly. Ask your Toyota technician to sort out the problem before your brakes stop working altogether. 

4. You Feel Brake Pedal Vibrations 

Another sign of thin and worn brake pads is feeling vibrations through the brake pedal. Warped or damaged brake rotors could cause your steering wheel to vibrate.

5. Your Car Pulls To the Side When Braking

If your Toyota pulls to the right or left when you brake, the brake pads on one side are more worn than on the other. The brake pads need to be adjusted to ensure even wear. 

6. Your Brakes Are Unresponsive

When it takes longer for your car to stop, you need to get your brakes checked by your Toyota technician. When your brakes are unresponsive, it could be due to low brake fluid levels or worn brake pads.

7. You Smell Burning

You will smell burning when your brakes overheat due to overuse or excessive hard braking. Pull over when it’s safe and wait for your brakes to cool off. Your brakes won’t properly function when they get too hot. Schedule brake system repairs as soon as possible for your safety. 

Ensure that your Toyota’s brakes are always in top condition and working as they should. Call Pedersen Toyota in Fort Collins, CO, today to schedule a service. Our certified Toyota technicians provide expert brake system repairs to keep you safe on the road